
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Manfaat Buah Berry

Ada beberapa manfaat buah berry untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Diantaranya :

* Blackberry, Berry ini bisa berguna untuk mencegah penyakit kanker. Dikarenakan buah jenis ini mengandung phytochemical yang menghentikan beberapa gen yang menyuruh kanker untuk tumbuh didalam tubuh anda.
* Strowberry, Berry jenis ini bisa berguna untuk meredakan stres. Hal ini dikarenakan buah ini kaya dengan vitamin C yang membantu tubuh menghambat produksi hormon stres.
* Blueberry, Berry ini bisa mengatasi lemak perut. Penyebabnya adalah buah ini kaya antioksidan yang mengubah cara tubuh menyimpan dan memproses gula untuk energi.
* Raspberry, Berry ini bisa mencegah kerut. Buah ini bisa melindungi kulit dari kerusakan sinar matahari dengan menghambat enzim yang memecah kolagen dan menyebabkan inflamasi.

tag : manfaat buah berry , manfaat buah black berry , manfaat buah berry untuk kulit , manfaat berries , buah bery , manfaat buah berri untuk kesehatan , manfaat bijibery untuk kecantikan , manfaat berry , khasiat buah rasberry , khasiat buah blackberry

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

transvaginal mesh

A transvaginal mesh patch is a surgically implanted device that extends through the vaginal wall (also known as the pelvic floor) to get additional support to tissues and injured in an accident, childbirth / or surgery.
While a healthy pelvic floor strengthens the pelvic region with the support of many other organs and leading to the site, if damaged or dramatic tension, damage the vaginal walls also add pressure on the bladder, which the abdominal organs to slide out of place.
The addition of force to damage the vaginal walls, transvaginal mesh patch to be effective treatments:

* Pelvic organ prolapse (POP), a condition where the bladder, uterus, vagina, urethra, bowel and / or rectum due to poor students to the tissue of the pelvic floor
* Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), the lack of maintenance can cause people to urinate when laughing, sneezing, coughing or other means of pressure on the abdominal region.
However, despite the fact that an effective treatment in some patients, hundreds of women have developed a number of serious health problems after a transvaginal mesh patch.
To date, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received reports of more than 1000 patients with life-threatening complications of using patch transvaginal network.The Transvaginal Mesh Patch Side Effects


 Some women experience complications after transvaginal mesh using the patch are:

* The erosion through the vaginal epithelium (outer skin of the vagina that does not involve the veins or arteries)
* Transvaginal Mesh Infection
* Internal Bleeding
Pain (including pain during sexual intercourse)
* The perforation of the intestine, bladder and / or blood vessels (especially during insertion of the device)
* A revival of the / SUI and POP or
* Vaginal scarring
Each of these health problems that require immediate medical treatment to prevent further complications and more severe cases, death. Usually the side effects of transvaginal mesh patch is treated:

* Blood transfusion
* Abscess Drainage
* An additional surgery (to remove the patch mesh)
* Replacement of intravenous fluid
FDA Warnings Transvaginal Mesh Patch As
On 20 October 2008, the FDA has responded to the severity of the complications of the patch national network has issued an alert warning healthcare professionals and patients and health problems listed above.